
2016年8月2日 星期二

「射波」≠ Shooting 老細「A字膊」英文點講?

射波的正確講法為「Bunk Off」,「A 字膊」則是Pass the buck 或 cop out。
1. 走數 
職場中不少人不信守承諾,在廣東話我們會稱之為「走數」,但英文當然不會這樣說。Kenneth Lau 指,走數多指因害怕而不做某事,所以可以「Chicken Out」來形容:
You won't chicken out, will you?
2. 廢青
不少人會以為廢青英文是Rubbish,但其實應用bum 、loser 或 freeloader 等字眼:
That guy is nothing but a no-good bum.
至於 freeloader 也有相似意思,特別指一個人白吃白喝,像寄生蟲一樣。
3. 射波
職場流行以「射波」來形容職員突然請假,把工作卸給同事,但英文則是bunk off,即在未經准許的情況下早退:
He decided to bunk off early this Friday!
4. A字膊
大家多用「A字膊」來形容沒有膊頭和腰骨,經常「卸膊」的人,但A字膊當然不是英文,可以用pass the buck、cop out 甚至 duck 來形容:
The manager always passes the buck and in the end it's his subordinates that suffer.
I hate his guts because he cops out whenever I need his help.
5. 大頭蝦
That absent-minded guy has forgot to bring the document we need today!
6. 無交帶
「無交帶」可以形容人沒有責任感和做事馬虎,亦可用irresponsible、sloppy 及negligent形容:
If you're looking for manager material, John is very irresponsible and doesn't make the cut in my opinion.
撰文 : TOPick 編輯

